Thursday, June 7, 2012


Well I've made a commitment to post regularly... even if it is not every day, and even if it is only to myself! At least if I'm the only one reading it I know that the readers are all satisfied with the content!! ;-) But the only time I get to post is usually late at night... so please, no judging me! I spent the day with a friend of mine from college. We met up at the zoo and had a great time there for about 2.5 hours - with SEVEN children!!! Luckily three of them were in strollers, but the other four are ages 6,5,3, and 2, so we had our hands full. But we handled it beautifully, and a good time was had by all! A year ago I could not have even imagined enjoying this type of scenario, but my life has changed so much and I am so grateful for the three beautiful children that I have and also grateful to my husband for making the sacrifices necessary for me to be home with the kids. Now I can't imagine life any other way. Well, I can imagine it one other way. In the scenario in my head, the two infants in the double stroller are BOTH my babies... but in reality, the second infant is the daughter of my close friend. I agreed to keep the baby when she went back to work, and I am so happy to help her out and to have the opportunity to experience what life COULD have been like. I also love to see my baby interacting with another infant. But it does not fill the void that is in my life that Kathryn should be filling. I had so many great ideas of profound and interesting ideas I wanted to blog about tonight... but alas, all I can think of now is the fact that it's almost 11pm and I am exhausted. Maybe one day...

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